Are you a member of the Genetics Society of AustralAsia? If not, please join here!
GSA members can then register for GSA 2025 using the link below.
NOTE: prices are inclusive of the welcome reception, conference dinner, teabreaks and lunches.​​​​​​
Student: People working towards completing undergraduate or postgraduate studies with a valid student ID card.
ECR: People who have completed their terminal degree in the last 5 years (or equivalent to account for career interruptions) and who do not currently hold an ongoing appointment.​​
During registration, you can purchase a Plus One Conference Dinner ticket and discounted Parking Exit Tickets.​
Early bird registration will close on Sunday, 11 May 2025.
For general enquiries about the conference, please send us an email at For registration queries, please respond to the email indicated in the order confirmation you will receive. Any cancellation and refund requests must be sent in writing to the GSA Conference 2025 email according to the refund schedule below:
Refund Schedule:
More than 30 days prior to the event, 100% refund.
Less than 30 days but more than 14 days prior to the conference, a 50% partial refund
Less than 14 days, no refund.